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YoYo Hostel Negombo
Negombo - YoYo Hostel Negombo
We have an awesome view of Negombo lagoon with some great places to relax inside the hostel. A perfect place to kick off and end your wonderful journey in beautiful island Sri Lanka. We have a Show more Mutasson Kevesebbet
We have bean bags, armchairs, hammocks in the garden and a breezy rooftop for you to relax and meet some new friends. We offer BBQ Nights and arrange a romantic dinner for couples at the rooftop.

Dutch Cannel
Negombo Fish Market and Local Market
St.Mary's Church
Rukmani Devi Park
Angurukaramulla Temple
Seasfood Restaurants
Pubs and Bars Negombo Browns Beach Dutch Cannel Negombo Fish Market and Local Market St.Mary's Church Rukmani Devi Show more Mutasson Kevesebbet
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Latest reviews
Az alábbi vélemények ténylegesen a szálláshelyen megszállt vendégektől származnak.
They made you feel right at home the moment you step inside their house. Hosted by a lovely couple who will talk to yu about Sri Lankan culture and gives you the best tips for your trips.
We felt like we were at home with the genuine friendliness of the staff who run the place. Breakfast was really good, rooms are spacious with lockers big enough to store your luggage.
Ingatlan mentése a kedvencek közé.
Latest Reviews
Az alábbi vélemények ténylegesen a szálláshelyen megszállt vendégektől származnak.
They made you feel right at home the moment you step inside their house. Hosted by a lovely couple who will talk to yu about Sri Lankan culture and gives you the best tips for your trips.
We felt like we were at home with the genuine friendliness of the staff who run the place. Breakfast was really good, rooms are spacious with lockers big enough to store your luggage.
Accommodation Offer

Éjszakák száma: 2
Távozás dátuma: 2025/03/25
Szállás adatai:
Neve: YoYo Hostel Negombo
Telefonszám: Foglalás után megadva
Cím: Foglalás után megadva
Email: Foglalás után megadva
Teljes körű elérhetőséggel, könnyen elérheti a szállást bármilyen különleges kivánságával.
Amennyiben lehetséges, el fogjuk küldeni Önnek a szállásra vezető útvonal leírását, a tömegközlekedési és reptéri információkkal együtt.
Fontos tudnivalók
Minden fontos információt el fogunk küldeni Önnek, ezzel is biztosítani szeretnénk a tartózkodás kellemes eltöltését.
Social and fun
We have bean bags, armchairs, hammocks in the garden and a breezy rooftop for you to relax and meet some new friends. We offer BBQ Nights and arrange a romantic dinner for couples at the rooftop.