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St Christopher's Inn, Greenwich
London - St Christopher's Inn, Greenwich
We have epic parties on the weekends and every night you’ll find travellers and locals alike in Belushi’s bar where you’ll get 25% off food and 2 for 1 drink specials all day.

Westminster Város
Nyugat Greenwich
Kerület Greenwich
Charing Cross
Queen's House
Check-in details
Check-out details
All guests must be 18 years of age.
An in date passport or UK driver's license is required from every guest to check in. Photocopies or pictures of ID will not be accepted.
Bookings of 9+ guests are subject to additional conditions and supplements apply, contact the reception team for any queries.
Please note we have a maximum stay policy of 7 days.
Latest reviews
Az alábbi vélemények ténylegesen a szálláshelyen megszállt vendégektől származnak.
They have usb and outlets at every bed. It super hot so easy to sleep. Also the lights were off. Theres a bar down stair. It seems easy to find public trans. The even have a sign saying the are happy to provide adaptors and cords. The day staff suck. Totally unhelpful. The lady at the desk made me feel horrible. The people who clean up are great. They came in at 10:45 even though check out is at 10am. And said to take my time. Relaxed and Hot. Everyone seemed wonderful that I roomed with. I'm surprised no one has rated safety. I felt very safe there. I really liked Hamous he really gives you a lot of pertinent information. I really was glad he was there. Patient and kind. I found the shower pleasant. Everyone was nice except the day desk staff lady. She was terrible.
Loin du centre et de l'agitation londonienne, cette auberge ne permet absolument pas de se reposer car les chambres se trouvent au dessus de la partie bar... on entend la musique très fort jusqu'à 2h du matin... assez paradoxal pour une auberge de ne pas avoir de tranquillité la nuit!
The food and drinks are quite satisfying and affordable especially when travelling on a budget. I like that the rooms can only be accessed using key cards which makes it safer.
Ingatlan mentése a kedvencek közé.
Latest Reviews
Az alábbi vélemények ténylegesen a szálláshelyen megszállt vendégektől származnak.
They have usb and outlets at every bed. It super hot so easy to sleep. Also the lights were off. Theres a bar down stair. It seems easy to find public trans. The even have a sign saying the are happy to provide adaptors and cords. The day staff suck. Totally unhelpful. The lady at the desk made me feel horrible. The people who clean up are great. They came in at 10:45 even though check out is at 10am. And said to take my time. Relaxed and Hot. Everyone seemed wonderful that I roomed with. I'm surprised no one has rated safety. I felt very safe there. I really liked Hamous he really gives you a lot of pertinent information. I really was glad he was there. Patient and kind. I found the shower pleasant. Everyone was nice except the day desk staff lady. She was terrible.
Loin du centre et de l'agitation londonienne, cette auberge ne permet absolument pas de se reposer car les chambres se trouvent au dessus de la partie bar... on entend la musique très fort jusqu'à 2h du matin... assez paradoxal pour une auberge de ne pas avoir de tranquillité la nuit!
The food and drinks are quite satisfying and affordable especially when travelling on a budget. I like that the rooms can only be accessed using key cards which makes it safer.
The hostel is affordable, unlike some places I stayed in. Its great to meet fellow travellers as they have a pub downstairs which offers deals for in-house guests and also a great way to meet some friends. The lady who checked us in took the time to explain the house rules and everything. She was friendly.
Accommodation Offer

Éjszakák száma: 2
Távozás dátuma: 2025/04/08
Szállás adatai:
Neve: St Christopher's Inn, Greenwich
Telefonszám: Foglalás után megadva
Cím: Foglalás után megadva
Email: Foglalás után megadva
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Social and fun
We have epic parties on the weekends and every night you’ll find travellers and locals alike in Belushi’s bar where you’ll get 25% off food and 2 for 1 drink specials all day.