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Rua Hostels Santa Marta
Santa Marta - Rua Hostels Santa Marta
We have a terrace in the upper floor for you to enjoy a couple of drinks by the pool. we also have a game room, if you want to enjoy a game night with your friends.

We're a chain of hostels currently located in Bogotá and Santa Marta. We want our guests to feel at home.
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Latest reviews
Az alábbi vélemények ténylegesen a szálláshelyen megszállt vendégektől származnak.
A brand new hostel that serves good breakfast and is located beside a police station so it's definitely safe. The staff are great and polite. Rooms are cleaned daily.
Personal fans, reading light, power socket, clean rooms, well-kept bathrooms, a mini pool, well-equipped kitchen. I'd definitely come back!
Ingatlan mentése a kedvencek közé.
Latest Reviews
Az alábbi vélemények ténylegesen a szálláshelyen megszállt vendégektől származnak.
A brand new hostel that serves good breakfast and is located beside a police station so it's definitely safe. The staff are great and polite. Rooms are cleaned daily.
Personal fans, reading light, power socket, clean rooms, well-kept bathrooms, a mini pool, well-equipped kitchen. I'd definitely come back!
Accommodation Offer

Éjszakák száma: 2
Távozás dátuma: 2025/03/26
Szállás adatai:
Neve: Rua Hostels Santa Marta
Telefonszám: Foglalás után megadva
Cím: Foglalás után megadva
Email: Foglalás után megadva
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Social and fun
We have a terrace in the upper floor for you to enjoy a couple of drinks by the pool. we also have a game room, if you want to enjoy a game night with your friends.