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Hythe Mills
Colchester - Hythe Mills
Relax in the modern common room with your new friends or work out in our onsite gym. Featuring top-quality equipment, prepare to sweat out and release endorphins like never before. When it’s time to wind down, students can head back to their rooms and enjoy watching films on their Samsung tvs in their room. Each room also comes with complimentary air conditioning to create a comfortable, fresh, and airy feel.

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Éjszakák száma: 2
Távozás dátuma: 2025/03/28
Szállás adatai:
Neve: Hythe Mills
Telefonszám: Foglalás után megadva
Cím: Foglalás után megadva
Email: Foglalás után megadva
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Social and fun
Relax in the modern common room with your new friends or work out in our onsite gym. Featuring top-quality equipment, prepare to sweat out and release endorphins like never before. When it’s time to wind down, students can head back to their rooms and enjoy watching films on their Samsung tvs in their room. Each room also comes with complimentary air conditioning to create a comfortable, fresh, and airy feel.