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The Overstay Hostel
Bangkok - The Overstay Hostel
Kedveled a zenét és a művészetet? The Overstay neked való ifjúsági szálló! Itt bármikor improvizálhatsz hangszereinkkel, vagy festhetsz a falakra ahol csak akarsz. Oszd meg amit ismersz és taníts másokat!

Latest reviews
Az alábbi vélemények ténylegesen a szálláshelyen megszállt vendégektől származnak.
You can't find cheaper or with more character. Just know you'll get what you pay for, which is little, except for the atmosphere. The hostel doesn't lie about it so you can't complaint but it's not for the faint of heart.
The people here are amazing, from all corners of the globe. And all are happy to chat about anything
Ingatlan mentése a kedvencek közé.
Latest Reviews
Az alábbi vélemények ténylegesen a szálláshelyen megszállt vendégektől származnak.
You can't find cheaper or with more character. Just know you'll get what you pay for, which is little, except for the atmosphere. The hostel doesn't lie about it so you can't complaint but it's not for the faint of heart.
The people here are amazing, from all corners of the globe. And all are happy to chat about anything
Friendly staff, good fun, great decor!
Really good staff. 45min relax walk to the khao san road.
The vest plase in Bangkok
It was pretty cheap, the vibe is like a Berlin squat
It's cheap, the people are nice, the staff is helpful and the best part is when the AC finally turns on at night. Wifi works perfectly fine, surprising, considering all the people!
The room was spacious, there is a bar within the same building, the paitings around the building are very cool.
staff, very kind, atmosphere nice and funny
this is really laid back hostel, you feel living with group of friends in squat, but they provide all you need, extra points are free pool and great roof terrace and great price, getting there is pretty easy once you figure it out,...street name can be confusing cause our taxi driver did not now, and we were 20 meters from hostel in clse by street, print outg the map or something, after you check in you just need a 203 bus to khao san road, or even can walk 20 minutes
Staff are super lovely and really helpful, it's got it's charm that's for sure!
You'll love this place or hate it, its perfect for hipster type travellers, artists and musicians. But other people may want to get straight out. Think of it of more of a hipster bar club with some beds upstairs.
Just amazing, had to stay one night finaly stayed like a month! great place , great people!
Posetive atmospher the single room i had was good, bathroom also with hot water.
We just loved the atmosphere and character, live music, jam sessions, the many tiny cats, the lovely Thai ladies cooking food outside, the closeness of Kao San Road and the fact that Thai people actually hang out here as well and can give very good insider tips to first timers.
It is CHIIIIILLLED. Has to be the most laid back place I've ever stayed. So if you like hostels and you like them to take it real easy then its a great place.
u pay what u get
They had a rave on which was good and reggae night with a band
Everyone here is real. Its a truly fiun place to stay. Well situated in a part of the city where you can walk to all the sites but not so close as to keep you up at night.
Friendly, artistic, good music, free pool table, reasonable priced drinks.
We had a great time at the Overstay, nice atmosphere and laid back people that made our stay unforgetable. If you are looking for a place where you can feel at home and have fun at the same time, then this one is a perfect option.
Friendly staff, good party, good location, awesome rooms if ur looking for something diferent just overstay! Eloy panama
nothing much except it was cheap
Accommodation Offer

Éjszakák száma: 2
Távozás dátuma: 2025/03/19
Szállás adatai:
Neve: The Overstay Hostel
Telefonszám: Foglalás után megadva
Cím: Foglalás után megadva
Email: Foglalás után megadva
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Kedveled a zenét és a művészetet? The Overstay neked való ifjúsági szálló! Itt bármikor improvizálhatsz hangszereinkkel, vagy festhetsz a falakra ahol csak akarsz. Oszd meg amit ismersz és taníts másokat!