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Bed And Bicycle Hostel
Colombo - Bed and Bicycle Hostel
Check-in details
Check-out details
Please note:
1. General Housekeeping hours 11am-2pm.
2. Locker key and towel to be returned upon check out. Lost Locker key - 25USD/ Lost Towel- 15USD.
3. No guests allowed in dorms.
Latest reviews
Az alábbi vélemények ténylegesen a szálláshelyen megszállt vendégektől származnak.
Location was convenient and the beds were amazing. The toilets and showeres are clean and spacious. The local breakfast really puts a smile on your face. Such a good choice in Mt Lavinia.
The staff and owner lives in the premises and the hostel is very well-maintained. Close to the beach and restaurant hearty breakfast. I got everything I could ask for!
Ingatlan mentése a kedvencek közé.
Latest Reviews
Az alábbi vélemények ténylegesen a szálláshelyen megszállt vendégektől származnak.
Location was convenient and the beds were amazing. The toilets and showeres are clean and spacious. The local breakfast really puts a smile on your face. Such a good choice in Mt Lavinia.
The staff and owner lives in the premises and the hostel is very well-maintained. Close to the beach and restaurant hearty breakfast. I got everything I could ask for!
Accommodation Offer

Éjszakák száma: 2
Távozás dátuma: 2025/03/29
Szállás adatai:
Neve: Bed and Bicycle Hostel
Telefonszám: Foglalás után megadva
Cím: Foglalás után megadva
Email: Foglalás után megadva
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