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Acuario Hostel
Santiago de Compostela - Acuario hostel
The most comun description is: " I feel like at home". It is located 20 minutes walking from Santiago downtown. The Acuario hostel is a charming and warm place. It is really peacefull. The most comun description Show more Mutasson Kevesebbet
We have a small library where you can find inspiring books and boardgames to have a good time with your fellows. We celebrate “La fiesta de la Queimada” (Queimada Party) twice a week. The Queimada Ritual is accompanied by an initiation ceremony for pilgrims to put the finishing touch to the end of their pilgrimage.
It was the first private albergue opened in Santiago de Compostela. It has been improved every year. The name “Albergue Acuario” (Aquarium Hostel) is because it was founded for reasons of personal growth. “Aquarius” is the New Age in which we live, one Spiritual Age of inner search, transparency and consistency with your own self.
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Latest reviews
Az alábbi vélemények ténylegesen a szálláshelyen megszállt vendégektől származnak.
Nothing fancy but clean and with a good price. Staff are friendly and helpful. I would recommend this hostel.
beds were good, and clean. The place is clean. The price is right, and in good location. Kind staff.
Ingatlan mentése a kedvencek közé.
Latest Reviews
Az alábbi vélemények ténylegesen a szálláshelyen megszállt vendégektől származnak.
Nothing fancy but clean and with a good price. Staff are friendly and helpful. I would recommend this hostel.
beds were good, and clean. The place is clean. The price is right, and in good location. Kind staff.
Accommodation Offer

Éjszakák száma: 2
Távozás dátuma: 2025/03/26
Szállás adatai:
Neve: Acuario hostel
Telefonszám: Foglalás után megadva
Cím: Foglalás után megadva
Email: Foglalás után megadva
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Social and fun
We have a small library where you can find inspiring books and boardgames to have a good time with your fellows. We celebrate “La fiesta de la Queimada” (Queimada Party) twice a week. The Queimada Ritual is accompanied by an initiation ceremony for pilgrims to put the finishing touch to the end of their pilgrimage.