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Oak Studios
Berlin - Oak Studios
Oak Studios was completely renovated in 2020. In addition to your own furnished apartment, the common and outdoor spaces are also part of your new home. These include a TV and gaming lounge, a winter garden for co-working and studying, a coffee bar, and a green courtyard. There’s an in-house laundry room, where doing your laundry is a breeze with the “appWash” app.

Lemondási feltételek
Student housing
Student fees
150,00€ per person
Fee is payable at start of the lease
Berlin Keleti Pályaudvar
Berlin Főpályaudvar
TV torony
Új Zsinagóga
Berlini Dom
Berlini Zsidó Múzeum
Checkpoint Charlie
Potsdamer Platz
Berlini Fal
Neue Wache és Zeughaus
Unter den Linden
Reichstag Épülete
Berlini győzelmi oszlop
Brandenburgi kapu
Pariser Platz
Brandenburgi kapu
Rotes Rathaus
Régi Múzeum és a Pergamon-Múzeum
Check-in details
Check-out details
Nido isn’t just for students, we also offer apartments for young professionals, trainees and interns, so please select the appropriate filter to find out what is available in your city of choice. Students are able to book any room even if it is available for Young Professionals too.
Ingatlan mentése a kedvencek közé.
Latest Reviews
Accommodation Offer

Éjszakák száma: 2
Távozás dátuma: 2025/03/19
Szállás adatai:
Neve: Oak Studios
Telefonszám: Foglalás után megadva
Cím: Foglalás után megadva
Email: Foglalás után megadva
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Fontos tudnivalók
Minden fontos információt el fogunk küldeni Önnek, ezzel is biztosítani szeretnénk a tartózkodás kellemes eltöltését.
Social and fun
Oak Studios was completely renovated in 2020. In addition to your own furnished apartment, the common and outdoor spaces are also part of your new home. These include a TV and gaming lounge, a winter garden for co-working and studying, a coffee bar, and a green courtyard. There’s an in-house laundry room, where doing your laundry is a breeze with the “appWash” app.